Gretchen's Story

Image of Gretchen's Transformation.
"I am 104 weeks into my weight loss journey and down 170lbs. For the past 52 weeks, I have been tracking with Carbon. Before using Carbon Diet Coach, I had lost 60lbs, and since starting with Carbon, I have lost an additional 110lbs and over 100 inches. I will be forever grateful for this app and community. THANK YOU, Carbon." - Gretchen Lunger

As part of our all-new testimonial program, we interview Carbon users and ask them important questions about their experience with Carbon and how it helped them achieve incredible results. Here's our interview with Gretchen!

What change were you hoping to make when you started using Carbon?

When I started Carbon, I was 11 months into my weight loss journey to a healthier me. During that time, I was counting calories, staying within a calorie deficit, and had already lost 60 lbs. I’ve always struggled with my weight and hadn’t had much success losing it in the past. This time, I was hopeful because I was seeing results. As soon as I learned about Carbon, I downloaded it that day and began tracking. I didn’t change much in my diet at first, but the overachiever in me wanted to hit all my macros every day and see those little check marks. Within two months, I was down an additional 25 lbs. At that point, I realized how important protein was and started building my meals around it.

What struggles did you encounter as you worked through those changes?

For the past 25 years, I was hyper-focused on my weight and tried every diet out there but was never successful. A lot of these failed attempts led me to fear food. I thought carbs were the enemy, or that I couldn’t lose weight unless I cut out sugar. When I began my weight loss journey, my main focus was making better choices and staying within my calorie deficit. The bad habits I had to unlearn, like the idea that food was the enemy, started to fade away. As I saw results on the scale, I became more confident around food. I quickly learned that when tracking with Carbon, the amount of work you put in directly correlates to the results you’ll see. Three months into Carbon, I was down 40 lbs, for a total of 100 lbs lost. Something I learned throughout my journey is that weight loss is easy—it's the mental game that’s so much harder. My body was changing faster than my mind could comprehend. Having Carbon there gave me the drive to continue. I knew if I hit my targets, the results would follow, allowing me to work on the mental part.

I used to get upset when people would ask, “Oh, you’re on a diet. Can you eat this on your diet?” But I never looked at my weight loss journey as a diet. I made choices that led to a more balanced lifestyle. I didn’t change everything at once, but over time, I seamlessly incorporated small changes into my life. My fear of food is gone. I don’t restrict myself; I enjoy what I want, when I want it, as long as it fits into my calorie deficit. In the past, I never approached weight loss this way.

What was different about Carbon?

For me, the accountability aspect is why I’ve been so successful. I strive to meet my goals (calories and protein) every day. I’ve found that meal prepping and tracking my food ahead of time sets me up for success, and I get really excited when I hit all my macros. Unlike other apps I’ve used to track, Carbon adjusts to your specific body and needs. If you had told me a year ago that I needed to eat more throughout my weight loss journey to see results, I wouldn’t have believed you. Carbon does an excellent job of getting to know your needs and adjusting your macros accordingly.

Tell us about the moment you realized Carbon was fundamental in solving your problem.

Carbon has given me the structure I needed to achieve my goals. If I focus on hitting my macros, the results will come. This allowed me to stay focused and gave me the motivation to reach where I am now. I’m a goal-oriented person, so being able to work toward these goals helped me make the necessary changes in my diet. When I first started tracking with Carbon, I struggled to hit my protein goal. Now that I prioritize protein and build my meals around it, I don’t even have to think about it—it just comes naturally.

Tell us what life looks like now that you’re finding success with Carbon.

It’s still surreal to me that this is my life and I’m down 170lbs (52% of my max body weight). The amount of knowledge I’ve gained along the way has given me the confidence to maintain this for life. Throughout my weight loss journey, I also incorporated movement: daily walking has turned into a love for running that I never knew I had. The 332lb version of me would have never thought running was enjoyable, let alone being able to complete a half marathon. I never thought I’d be the one to get up before dawn for a workout. I truly am living my best life! I don’t fear food anymore—I’ve learned to give my body what it needs."

Ready to take control of your weight loss journey and achieve incredible results like Gretchen? With the Carbon Diet Coach app, you’ll get personalized guidance, accountability, and a system that adapts to your unique body and needs. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to break through a plateau, Carbon helps you track your macros, hit your goals, and see real progress.

No more fad diets, food fear, or guesswork—just proven results. Download Carbon Diet Coach today and start building a healthier, happier you!

The smart diet coaching app created by nutrition experts to help you achieve long lasting results.
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